
Episode 10 of 361 Degrees: The Death of Tablets

Episode 10 of 361 Degrees: The Death of Tablets

We’ve just published episode 10 of Season 7… (SEVEN!) of the 361 Degrees Podcast.

If you haven’t checked in recently, I (perhaps rather obviously) recommend you have a listen. We’re finishing this series by exploring the question of whether we will shortly see the death of tablets.

Not the full, actual death… but given the market has seen fewer iPads being produced over the last year or so, what could that possibly mean? And how should that be rationalised, given the recent Ofcom stats indicate a doubling in the use of tablets in the UK!

Here’s the summary:

It’s our final week of season 7 and the team turn their attention to tablets. Rafe’s gathered some research (so we know the numbers are right) showing the iPad has lost its market-dominating position with overall sales of tablets slowing too. Samsung is catching Apple fast with its broad range of tablets and price-points but the smaller, lower-cost devices are the real winners cumulatively beating both the big firms.

In other news Ewan’s finally a productive member of society again (well, he’s started his new job) and Rafe’s finding dual-sim phones useful in rural areas with poor network coverage.

Ewan says he’s impressed with the capabilities of some of the new lower-priced tablets, especially Amazon’s Kindle range.

Rafe says tablets probably aren’t ‘dead’ but life-cycles are clearly different to smartphones which are replaced much more frequently..

Ben says there’s probably not just one type of tablet market and he can believe they can become home-users’ main device.

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