
Esendex team are really, really fit

Mobile services company Esendex are a healthy bunch.

EIGHT Esendex team members, along with company co-founders, Adam Bird and Julian Hucker are indulging their passion for Triathlon this Sunday.

September 21st to be exact.

They’re all competing in The Last Minute Triathlon at Southwell, Nottinghamshire.

Now I’m not that into running myself. I enjoy an occasional swim, especially in a heated pool and especially when there’s a sauna next door. As for cycling, well. I could take or leave that.

Richard Stannard loves it though. He’s one of Britain’s top triathletes and is also sponsored by Esendex. Richard is going along — not to compete, as I understand it, but to offer advice and assistance to the hordes.

Here’s what Julian Hucker has to say:

“We are keen amateur triathletes and sports enthusiasts and Adam and I encourage staff to participle whenever possible. Sponsoring the event is great for us and, with Richard’s support, it lets us show our dedication, as well as contributing to the local community.:

As well as sponsoring Richard, Esendex are also Headline sponsors of the Triathlon — and, predictably, they are also providing the SMS results service for spectators and fans. Nice one.

Some advice for the Esendex team? I’ve got plenty:

1. Lots of Lucozade
2. No burgers ’til the finish.
3. At least you’re swimming in a pool and not some godawful freezing cold lake.

Ok I’m out of advice now.

Every success to you all!