
Evernote: Your BlackBerry client is an embarrassment

I can’t believe it even qualifies as to be called a ‘client’.

Sort it out Evernote.

I’ve been patient for a long time. Developing on BlackBerry isn’t a sodding black art.

Three times I’ve gone to look something up with the piece-of-shit 1995 BlackBerry client and had to stand about while the app loads the BlackBerry browser. Yes. That’s the Evernote response to everything you want to do with their app beyond uploading.

Everything loads in the BlackBerry browser because some idiot decided that was a quick, cheap way around servicing the BlackBerry platform. You then have to wait for the sodding browser for every sodding search/edit/cut/paste/query command.

Utter bollocks.

This was a valid programming decision two years ago. Today it makes a mockery of the whole ‘Evernote’ concept. I am seriously considering putting shit BACK into my flipping address book so I can access it quickly. Fix it.