
Exclusive: News on Truphone 3.0

Following on from my post yesterday about the new version of Truphone, some interesting information arrived from a source close to the company. Here’s what they had to say:

No, there was no news release or email, we did just put it up on the blog – we felt, as Truphone has been exhibiting at VON in Stockholm this week, that we should show people what we’re up to.

There’s no actual launch date for the final 3.0 version yet – any reporting of ‘this week’ is erroneous. While the SMS and presence stuff is pretty much as it will be, there are (as you’d expect with software) other less visible changes being made to the software, and they all have to be done before it gets submitted to the Symbian signing process.  And that is a rigorous process that it must pass first.

So there you go. Another SMS Text News exclusive 🙂