
Extreme Mobile's MVNO -- doomed

Link: SMS Text News » Archives » New MVNO targets UK ‘yoof’ market

Xebra Ltd, who run TV channels and hotels under the ‘Extreme’ brand, are planning to launch a youth-targetted MVNO in the UK later this month.

Yesterday Alex posted news of Extreme Mobile’s intended launch here in the UK.

I think it’s doomed. MVNOs in the UK are doomed, unless you’re A) offering FREE services (a la Blyk), or unless you’ve got a huge potential distribution a la ASDA Mobile. Trying to compete on brand? No way. Not now. Not in this saturated market.

I’ll certainly change my opinion if they come to market with some stunning offerings; but if it’s your bog standard MVNO style offering — a branded handset and a plea to use their network — no, nope, it won’t be going far. They’ll need a ton of cash.

You can see the Extreme Mobile website here (nothing on it yet).

You can see the last Extreme Mobile launch-that-wasn’t-a-launch here that happened back in summer 2005.