
FCC Offers Up Applicant List For Upcoming Auction

The FCC has released lists of the applicants for the upcoming 700MHz auction, to take place in January. The auction is for blocks of the 700MHz frequency that will be vacated as the United States moves to mandated digital TV broadcasts.

Interestingly enough, there are 2 lists. The first list is companies that have submitted a complete application and been approved, while the second list is companies that have submitted an incomplete application, and have until January 6th to complete the application. The approved list includes Google, as well as some smaller companies with big names such as Paul Bunyan Rural Telephone Cooperative and Guam Cellular and Paging. The other list of companies who have only a few weeks to get their paperwork in order includes the big guns such as AT&T, Alltel, and Qualcomm.

I’m anxious to see who comes out on top in this auction, specifically with Google seemingly all ready to rock and the other guys taking their sweet time.