
Feel free to use your smartphone abroad*...

*Where abroad is defined as Paris, Barcelona or Berlin or anywhere else on the EasyJet route map.

What the hell is it with mobile operators these days? First it was “unlimited” that had it’s meaning completely re-engineered. Now the turn of “abroad” to be re-imagined.

Abroad at £2 per day for up to 25mb. That’s Vodafone’s pitch. Not bad. It would be even nicer if 50mb was £4. Of course it isn’t. You’ll be pleased to hear that most of Europe counts as “abroad”. Indeed, it might be more efficient to refer to it as “EasyJet data rates”. Wherever EasyJet or Ryanair flies counts as “Abroad”. Anything more than that and you’re on your own. America, of course, where Vodafone owns almost half of the huge incumbent operator Verizon? Well, that’s not abroad, is it? It’s… I don’t know, “international”? That’s four-quid-a-meg territory.

Ah dear.

To the idiot marketers who are publishing this nonsense out into the planet — beware — people do actually believe what you’re saying. I did. I thought that Vodafone Passport *obviously* included America. Until I got the 120p/minute bill for my 45 minute chat to my wife at Los Angeles. And then I really got annoyed with the shitting advertising that told me — without asterisks — that I’d only pay 75p plus my inclusive minutes for calls “abroad”.

I wish operators would stop relying on the cash cow that is roaming and innovate elsewhere. It would be nice to get to a stage when we can stop worrying about roaming costs and start getting excited about brilliant new amazing innovative services from our operators.

Posted via email from MIR Live