
Fido: Are you buying the handset or the airtime

Back in February we posted about Fido, one of Canada’s hugely backward mobile networks. They had finally introduced an unlimited data plan. Finally. Good news, because the innovation at Fido — and across the Canadian networks in general is nothing short of caveman.

:: Cut to a picture of a Fido executive banging his aging CDMA Nokia handset on the head of his colleague whilst grunting ‘CAN U HEAR ME?’ repeatedly in a demented fashion ::

Well a reader has just posted this update showing you just how backward the company is:

Oh and did you know that the new unlimited data bundle is limited ONLY to phones bought through Fido?? I have an unlocked Nokia 6110 Navigator and Fido reps refused to let me subscribe to the new bundle They insisted that I had to buy a locked Fido phone first.

Oh dear. Oh dear me.

Most operators you speak to couldn’t give a toss what handset you’re using as long as you’re paying them (ideally more) money each month.

Demanding you buy a Fido handset in order to benefit from the unlimited data bundle is the height of nonsense.