
Finally Nokia is getting attention from the West

It’s nice to see Nokia sentiment from the Western media temporarily switched to positive. Or at least almost-positive. You’ll have no doubt been tracking the various different opinions zooming around the marketplace (Nokia must do Android, Nokia must do Microsoft, Nokia must hold fast with Symbian & MeeGo).

It’s good to see the company getting attention beyond the usual ‘Nokia is doomed’ line.

Indeed I’d go so far as to say that in recent weeks, Nokia has never had so much Western media attention that didn’t involve a serious amount of kicking.

There is quite a bit of excitement around the marketplace.

And you know what, it’s so refreshing.

It’s refreshing because we’re seeing traditionally iOS/Android dedicated publications like Forbes giving Nokia the time of day, recognising that should the company play ball as per expectations (Windows, Android, some sort of deal), then Nokia will become a very big fish indeed.

It’s already a big fish. Just, not in the way the media wants it to be.

Here’s what Forbes had to say:

Nokia (NOK) and Microsoft (MSFT) simply need to do a deal. The logic is obvious. Nokia has large but eroding handset market share, and increasingly dated software. Microsoft has spiffy new handset software, but hardware partners who seem smitten with Android. The companies need each other.

That, at least, is the way many on the Street see the situation.

via Dear Nokia And Microsoft: Please Do A Deal, Love, Investors – Eric Savitz – Tech Musings – Forbes.


The ultra negative bit here is that if Nokia does not impress next Friday at Capital Markets day. Or possibly through MWC, that’s it. It’s game-over. It’ll be time for the Western media to deploy words like ‘confused’, ‘beleaguered’, ‘struggling’ and so on.

Nokia’s status has already been set to ALSO-RAN/IRRELEVANT. The media is going to absolutely nuts if Nokia doesn’t ‘make good’ on some kind of additional platform announcement beyond MeeGo and Symbian shortly.

Bring on the fireworks.