
Firefox mobile comes to Symbian

News website Techtree has it from Mozilla they’re working on a mobile version for the Symbian platform. With a loud cry from the cheap seats, about darn time!

They have it from Christian Sejersen that heads up the mobiles engineer department they are definitely, 100%, to be sure to be sure, developing their Fennec browser for the newly acquired Nokia OS.

Only a short while ago they publicly aired they won’t be officially releasing after all a version for the iPhone or Android. The reasons behind this being two fold, technology based and also licensing.

The latter of which are most companies reasons and beefs around developing anything for the iPhone. When we spoke to Vuzix of late over their screen-eyewear they outlaid just how much they have to fork over to Apple, in order to licence the port connector for the iPods and iPhones for their glasses – the cost, shocking.

Fennec, besides being a small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara desert is only really around for Linux at the moment – on a port for the Nokia N series tablet. Although there’s a Windows Mobile platform also in the works, with no time frame for full delivery as yet.

Reading through the developer’s blog postings seen here, it comes across it’s a smart move to get into bed with Nokia. As of Q3 2008, Symbian had 49.8% of the total smartphone sales with 57% in Q2, according to Gartner those figures are compared to just 11.1% for Windows Mobile and 7.2% for Linux.

They’re expecting to have full browsing abilities for Fennic by April 2009, with testing soon to follow.

Seeing how popular Firefox is for the PC, we’re just wondering how much of a market share they’re likely to take away from the likes of Opera on the mobile.

See more on the original post here.