
First Origami tablets unfold at CeBIT 2006 - infoSync World

Link: First Origami tablets unfold at CeBIT 2006 – infoSync World.

On the eve of the unveiling of Intel and Microsoft’s much-hyped Ultra Mobile PC slash Origami concept, the first specimen is spotted in the wild at CeBIT. Meet the miniscule Samsung Q1.

Ah I was hoping for something a bit more industry-changing.  They’ve gone and stuck Windows XP on it……. now, if Windows XP doesn’t work to my satisfaction on the huge desktop that I’m using, it’s hardly going to perform brilliantly on a Celeron processor with 512mb RAM.   I was hoping they’d given it a completely new or cut down operating system to make it completely revolutionary. 

A few of my non technical friends have asked me about the device — they’d heard about the buzz.  There’s no way they’ll pay in the region of $1,000 for anything like this.  3 hour battery life?  NOOoooooooooooo way.  Make a similar device at $200,  Apple-sexy looks and a 24 hour battery and now you’re talking…

Still, I’ll definitely take a look when they’re available to buy.