Flirting While Driving Now Made Possible
So here’s a situation that might happen to you often. You’re sitting in traffic, enjoying your geeky podcasts, when you notice that the girl in the car behind you is SMOKING hot. Since you’re in traffic, sure you could easily just hop out and go knock on the window, but I’m not sure that would be your best bet.
Enter Setup a profile and input your car registration details and you’re on your way. Next time you see that hottie, all you need to do is send an SMS with her plate number and a message “Wanna come listen to podcasts with me?” And off it goes. If she’s registered, you’re golden. She’ll get the message and can respond (if she wants) and you guys can hook up for a cup of coffee or whatever.
On their site, you can even search for members based on the make and color of their car, which is an interesting way to start a relationship, I suppose. Currently it looks like it’s limited to the UK, though there’s a general “outside the UK” location option.
Certainly an interesting approach and use of SMS services, but I’m not sure I’m convinced that so many people are going to happily hand over their vehicle registration information so easily. In any case, cruise on over to to get your engine revving.