
Flirtomatic expands into Europe -- Germany first stop

Flirtomatic, the UK’s sexiest (and leading) mobile/online flirting service has taken another step forward — this time, they’re heading into Europe with the launch of an entirely localised service for Germany.

I nodded sagely when I got the news. Germany’s a good choice for Flirtomatic. An mobile-mad country with good penetration of a wide range of quality handsets. A mature market. Obviously the service has been available worldwide for a long time — indeed, 20% of Flirtomatic’s userbase are international. But Germany’s the first country outside the UK to get it’s own entirely localised service with German customer service. And, I imagine, a heck of a lot of marketing.

They’re nearing a million users in total — in fact, with the launch in Germany today, I doubt it will be very long before I get a note from CEO, Mark Curtis, confirming that.

Mark’s got together with SevenOne Intermedia (the multimedia arm of German broadcaster ProSiebenSat.1) to launch the service. Makes sense. They’re Germany’s largest family of TV channels with a heck of a lot of other mediums — not least, web and mobile. So the cross promotion will be rather exciting.

If they get it right — and I’ve no reason to doubt the Flirto team, they’ve done a tip top job in the UK — then I reckon they’re poised to go nuts in Germany too.

The other dating services out there should do well to note Flirtomatic’s strategy. They’ve already kicked the UK arms of the other major dating services into touch. Buy them quickly or they’ll eat your lunch.

If you haven’t checked out Flirtomatic recently, by the way, do so. Try signing up via your mobile and see how they’ve made the process as simple and as frictionless as possible.