
Flying visit to 3UK; met Guy Middleton; champagne for Hugh


I popped into the 3UK headquarters yesterday. Why? Well, I was in Maidenhead to see Kitt of Good Mobile Messaging — and when I checked my train for the way back to the city, I had a few minutes to kill. The 3UK offices are just by the train station to I popped in.

The lifts — or, elevators, if you’re not into Brit-speak — were sporting funky broadband-usb-for-a-tenner point of sale posters. Good. I like to see up to date marketing collateral in receptions.

I swiftly acquired an ice cool bottle of champagne and marched into the reception.

“Does Hugh Davies work here?” I demanded. Hugh is, if I’ve got my job titles correct, Director of Corporate Affairs for 3UK.

The nice receptionst lady paused a moment and looked me up and down. Decked out in pinstripe and shocking, shocking red tie, I didn’t look like a suicide bomber or terrorist, so she was content (I theorise) to confirm that this was indeed Hugh’s office.

“Great, I’ve brought him some champagne,” I declared, plonking it on the reception desk.

A momentary look of surprise and she was on the phone to Hugh.

“Er, I don’t have a meeting,” I said, helpfully, “I’m only dropping this off.”

I pictured a stressed-to-hell Davies barking into his phone, “WHAT? A WHO? WHAT? A BOTTLE OF WHAT?” at the poor receptionist and mentally made a note not to do this sort of impulsive random thing too often just in case it goes wrong. It’s not necessarily what you need, is it? A blogger turning up unannounced on your doorstep brandishing alcohol.

“Which Ewan?” the receptionist enquired. She’d got hold of Hugh.

I gave my full name and helpfully added “SMS Text News”.

She smiled and passed the phone over.

“Ewan!” bellowed Hugh, “I’m in London! But wait there, let me see if my colleague Guy Middleton can pop down to say hi.”


Guy Middleton, Guy Middleton, Guy Middleton. Hmm. Where did I know his name?

Obviously! Former managing editor of Mobile magazine. Of course! You can, I think, see a young looking Guy here. He’s got a cix account. Proper-geek that is.

Whilst I waited for Guy, I chatted to the receptionist.

“Got a 3UK account?” I asked her.

She shook her head before telling me she was on o2. She explained she was a temp and worked for the landlords who managed the 3UK building. Ok, fair enough. I always find that a little strange, going to offices and finding the receptionists use completely different networks from their tenants. Ages ago I chatted to a lady and a guy in Vodafone’s London HQ who both used Orange. Heh.

Guy arrived and we decamped to the very fancy canteen for a quick chat to deconstruct mainstream mobile media and swap tailor recommendations. I haven’t met Guy before but I am delighted to have done so. He graciously accepted the ice cool champagne and promised to place it on Hugh’s desk. Couldn’t talk too long though. He had work to do and I had a train to catch.