
Follow AQA63336 on Twitter for some Twitertainment

You know how AQA, the text-answer-service is continually answering some weird and wonderful questions from people (usually sat in the pub)?

Questions like: How many badgers would it take to fill the Empire State Building. That sort of thing?

Well, every day, AQA are tweeting the odd answer that they’ve given. Brilliant idea to show off their capabilities and, of course, their answers are text-message length anyway – readymade for Twitter. And it makes for interesting reading:

Here, for example, is a good one about the oldest chap to fly a radio-controlled plane:

77 year old Maynard Hill holds a record for flying an RC petrol plane 1,888 miles, from Canada to Ireland. It took 38h 53m.

I’d never have asked that question in a month of Mondays, but I’m quite content to read the answer. Fascinating.

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