
Footy Fans – Wear Your Shirt for charity

I was chatting to Patrick Smith of Joshua PR the other day. I’ve not spoken to him for a while, so I asked him what he’s been up to. It turns out he’s been busy working on a project that is miles away from his usual mobile, PR stuff. Instead he’s been getting ready to launch Wear Your Shirt day to raise money for charity.

It’s a genius idea. All you need to do to get involved, is wear your football shirt for the day on Friday April 23rd and pay £1 to charity. It’s a dress down Friday for a great cause.

The charity they’re supporting is called Free Kicks and it arranges days out at football matches for disadvantaged kids in the UK.

Well done Patrick. I hope it’s a great success. I hope that the UK is awash with football shirts on the 23rd.

Who knows, if you invite me to a meeting you might even see me wearing my Scotland shirt!

Do pass this on!