
For the avoidance of doubt, "you're on the #1 network"

I got this email newsletter in from Three just now:

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I’m a little surprised that there’s no call to action beyond reading the results of a survey. One would hope that, as a customer, I’m already well aware of the super quality service from Three.

However it’s always important to keep reminding folk, to stay front-of-mind.

But here, surely, is an opportunity to market to the customer, no?

Especially the customer flush with a bit of cash.

You know, sometimes I do worry that Three seems to think that everyone of it’s customers is seeking to spent AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE with them. This simply isn’t the case.

Still.. you know what I’d like to see? Something like this:

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What do you reckon? Can you spot the difference?

Now then, I’m not saying that EVERYONE would take up the offer — however I’m sure *some* people today, this afternoon, could have been persuaded.

Irrespective, it was nice to hear from you, Three.