
Friday homework

A little task for all you avid readers … I need some advice.

I’m just about to leave my current phone contract and I need some advice about what I should do next. I’ve currently got an E61 on Nokia and it’s being paid for by work, I’ll be paying for the new contract myself, so I need to make sure I get the best deal. That said, the best deal doesn’t mean the cheapest – it means the best.

What do I want? Well, I’m a big mobile email user, so a qwerty keyboard would help; a camera would be nice but not essential; I need reliability for my calls; a good data plan (maybe Orange if the rumour is true); I’m in the UK, but I’ll be making a few international calls so a good international plan would be good (but I could also use Maxroam or someone similar); and obviously I’ll be using nearly all of the cool apps that we discuss here.

So, what do you think?

Let me know and if you’ve got a hot tip you don’t want to share with everyone else you can email me on

By the way, if anyone’s got any ‘spare’ devices you’d be willing to let me try out I’d be more than happy to do that ;-). I’m sure it might even get a write-up here.