
From Good to utter crap in a few months

I used to love my Good mobile email. Having seen Ewan wax lyrically about it in previous blogs, I took the plunge in April, got myself a Nokia E61 and a Good-enabled account with Fasthosts.

It was all lovely and dandy for a while, but in the last few months it’s gone completely to pot. The application itself is constantly crashing on my phone – which wouldn’t normally be the end of the world except it holds all my contacts. This means I’m getting phone calls and texts from people who are in my address book but no name coming up on the screen – just a number. I’ve sent a few embarrasing replies to texts asking who people are – which really makes me look stupid.

At the moment, the last email in my Outlook inbox is 1.53pm today. The last one on my Good app? 10.09pm last night. There’ve been quite few emails in between those times. No amount of synchronization, restarting, prodding poking or hitting my phone seems to want to make it sync.

Just to check it wasn’t just me, I talked to Ewan. He’s running good on a Nokia E61i – and is having the same problems. Maybe Good will fix it in their new version – announced as ‘coming soon’ a while back but no ones quite sure when…

In the meantime, I’m seriously considering my alternatives. I like my push email, in fact I rely on it to keep in touch when I’m out and about. However, if it ain’t doing the job, why bother keeping it?

Answers on a postcard please.. especially if you’re from Good themselves.

Update:  about three hours after I wrote this blog entry, all my mails mysteriously appeared, and my mailbox is now up to date. I haven’t heard anything official from Good or Fasthosts as to why it was broken, but then I wasn’t expecting a miracle.