Frucall to launch mobile voice interface to Google Calendar
This weekend I whacked a note over to Frucall‘s CTO, Nasser Manesh, to see how things were getting on since we last talked.
Frucall launched as a mobile shopping comparison service and has swiftly been adding additional services (such as Buddylist messaging). I absolutely love to see companies continually revising, updating and expanding their services.
To this end, as another addition to their options and extras features, Frucall are set to launch a mobile/voice interface to Google Calendar to enable you to query your schedule on the move. Very smart, particularly when you’re on the move.
Nasser quotes this example:
Let’s say you’re driving and you need to know if your meeting today afternoon starts at 3pm or 3:30. You can call Fruall, go to what we call the "Channels", and select Google Calendar. You can listen to the events for today, tomorrow, next few days, or, you can "search" your calendar by saying a word. Ask "Jane" to hear when you were supposed to meet with Jane.
Very cool indeed. I like it. As anyone who has received a frantic ‘err, sorry, I’m a bit delayed’ text from me will know, calendar accesss such as this, when you’re on the move and not sat in front of your desktop, is a boon.
That’s not all though.
Frucall now have a new CEO in the form of Dr. Behzad Nadji, former Sr VP of AT&T in charge of Planning, Design, Development and Architecture of entire AT&T network, and head of AT&T labs. Dr Nadji isn’t just a pretty face — a quick google shows that apart from being nothing short of an icon in the industry, Nadji is also co-inventor of a system and method for providing a natural language database interface.
Things are looking good for Frucall.