
Gaboogie looks smart; Voible streets ahead

Link: GigaOM » Gaboogie, the Conference that Calls You

While they can’t eliminate the actual conference calls themselves, the founders of a new service called Gaboogie want to help reduce the administrative headaches of setting up and conducting conference calls, starting with a feature that calls the participants directly.

I had a look over Gaboogie — what a wicked name — and found it looks rather smart. I’m all for reducing the ‘administrative headaches’ associated with arsing around on conference calls. If your team does a conference call every morning at 9.30am, fine. I’m willing to bet that the *first* one was a bit of a trauma, but now that everyone’s used to how it works, you’re good.

However, when you’re arranging a conference call between folk who don’t normally come together on a call, all hell breaks loose. It’s just ridiculous. You really do need a secretary to sort it all out if you want to avoid 30-40 minutes of ‘hello? no, is, hello, are, is he online, er, what’s the pin code’ rubbish.

So I’m rather enamoured with the concept of Gaboogie.

However, for me, there is simply nothing better than flipping up the Vobile app on your handset, selecting names from your addressbook and hitting the ‘conference’ button. Genius.