
Gatecrashing the MX Alliance gig at 3i

I was walking along Palace Street looking for number 16 — the offices of noted coporate venturer, 3i. I was due to meet Alex there. I had a few meetings across the early evening so I missed the vast majority of MX Alliance presentations. I found the 3i office with no trouble. I just looked for the best looking, sexiest office on the block.

VC offices always look different from normal offices. They are far plusher. Everything is high spec. Polished. Marble.

Anyway I met Alex outside and popped in, determined to connect, finally, with Jim Black, Mr MX Alliance. He’s normally up in Scotland, I’m normally… well… all over the shop. I switched to publicity mode and engaged some rather surprised looking suits and asked them where Jim was.

Found him. He’s a good guy. A really nice chap. Shook his hand. Finally!

Then I set about hunting for other good people to meet. Everyone kept on pointing at this effervescent, smartly dressed lady in the centre of the room, ‘You should talk to her,’ they kept on saying. I went over, stuck out my hand and met Sherry Madera, Chief Executive of AwayPhone. I was reliably informed that she gave one of the best presentations of the evening. It’s a pretty cool service, AwayPhone. Have you checked it out? If you travel regularly, it could save a ton of money for you by dramatically cutting roaming costs.

I randomly asked another chap if he was a mover and a shaker. It’s always a useful way of starting a conversation at these networking events, although it’s slightly annoying if the person umms and ahhs and you realise you’re engaging a Class A limpwristed employee-from-section-C who knows nothing and cares nothing. Thankfully Graham Quinn, Managing Director of is every bit the mover and shaker. I’ve read a lot about him and his service and I’ve heard positive things from many people. I nattered with Graham for a while and then had to explain why I had no business cards. Not a good look, is it? I promised him they were worth waiting for. Maybe another time. I came out without them. Idiot, eh?

I interrupted a totally bemused Marek Pawlowski, Editorial Director at PNM/MEX who, despite having a plate full of rather delicious pasta, was kind enough to answer my rapid fire questions about why he was using Vodafone as a service provider. ‘TWO POUNDS THIRTY PER MEG,’ I spluttered. He explained he used their 3g card. Not so bad then!

The MX Alliance is clearly rocking. There were lots of interesting people there!