
Geez, Fido Canada is backward isn't it?

Picture 14Krystal emailed me. She’s in the middle of sorting out the SMS Text News Who’s Who (If you’re reading it, chances are you should be on it, see this post for the goss).

Her email read:

Should I get a Nokia E62?

Now, the last time we discussed mobile handsets, she was having to get some godawful Sony Ericsson. You know, the sort of handset they give away in Christmas crackers over here in the UK.

So the E62 is definitely a step up.

I wrote back suggesting it could be rather useful for email — but it’s hardly an inspiring handset. Not to a mobile snob like me. The E62 has been out for… what… months, 6 months, 9 months? Positively ancient, eh?

Anyway she wasn’t kidding about getting a raw deal.

I challenge any UK mobile reader to contemplate buying a Motorola L2 on a THREE YEAR contract without spontaneously combusting.

Are you a mobile phone snob too? Good: Have a look at the shite Fido range.

There’s a link on the site saying ‘discontinued handsets’.

I’m not kidding, dear reader, I hovered my mouse pointer over the link for a good few seconds. Do I really want to see the damage? I mean, if that link above represents the latest from Fido, what, goodness me, will I find in the discontinued range?

Well… I clicked.

First of all, the header text reads:

Do you have a Fido handset that’s no longer available?

Some of the accessories can still be purchased! Click on the handset to find out more about the accessories available and visit one of our points of sale or to purchase them.


Ericsson T28W anybody? 😉

I tell you, one of the worst mobile phone rep jobs must be selling to Fido. Can you imagine being in the room?

SALES REP: Hi, right, I’ve got a job lot of Nokia N95s here for you, Mr Fido. Got’em from Three UK incidentally, they couldn’t make their minds up. So, how about those?

MR FIDO: Err, have you anything cheaper and much, much older?

SALES REP: Er, ok how about some Nokia N73s? Good handset, wicked camera, slightly old now that the N95 and next generation handsets are muscling in.

MR FIDO: Old, you say? Old? Ahhh… how much?

SALES REP: Well I could probably do you a deal on 150 quid a unit?

MR FIDO: Goodness me, no! What makes you think our customers want the latest technology?

SALES REP: Global fashion?

MR FIDO: Nooo, nooo. Have you got any Nokia 6190s?

SALES REP: Errrrrrrrr that’s going back quite a way now. E65s, how about 10,000 Nokia E65s?

MR FIDO: [ silence ]

SALES REP: [ sweating and desperate now] Ok, what about some more Nokia 3100s?

MR FIDO: Now you’re talking!