
Get your iPads here, get'em while they're hot [updated]

If you’re looking to get hold of an American iPad — the $499 16GB unit, I’m you’re man. I’d like to spread a little iLove. If you’d like one, I think we can get you one for about $550 inc delivery.

I’ll need to confirm the cost with our man in the States.

If you need it couriered to you, allow for that cost too.

Email me ( if you’re up for it. They should hit the UK by Saturday or Monday.

Update: Right it looks like the units will top out at $700 each including delivery to the United Kingdom. And the next problem is that they’re in super short supply. At that price it gets a little prohibitive. I think the better way to operate is for one of the US readers I’ve been speaking with to get hold of a few units, THEN see who’d like one, rather than doing it a little bit speculatively.