
Getting introduced to Vodafone 360

Prior to acquiring bucketloads of fun-size mars bars for the screaming hordes of children in Chiswick on Saturday (Halloween), I popped into the Chiswick High Road Vodafone shop for an introduction to Vodafone 360.

And it was a highly unsatisfactory experience. Yet somewhat informative about how Big Red is viewing the noted release of the new platform, especially from a developer perspective. It’s always fascinating to see how the end-consumer experience compares to the usually slick corporate presentation.

I shall regale you with the experience later on. Possibly in the newsletter this Friday — as it’s a biggie.

It’s my current position that developing for Vodafone is a career limiting move. So limiting in fact, that you’d be better with Nokia and Symbian at the moment. And that is saying something.

Anyway, more later.

Posted via email from MIR Live