
Gmail on Android looks shit-hot

I’m particularly excited about getting proper hands-on with the T-Mobile G1 to look at it’s email functionality. I didn’t get much of a chance to check out the functionality in-depth during the T-Mobile launch party as we were filming the whole time (see the results here).

I wondered how business-critical the Gmail functionality will be. I get a lot of email and trying to manage it on-the-go is a challenge — somewhat eased by the fact I’ve managed to get by Blackberry Curve to reconcile properly with my two key Google Apps accounts.

Check out this video from the Google team (and the post here) — it gives a super overview about the capabilities of the Gmail app on the operating system. I’m assuming that you can get the same facilities with a Google Apps account (this is usually the case):

Looks good.

I won’t pronounce it business-critical until I’ve got my hands on it. I do like the fact you can search your inbox — I TRUST that this means you can search your online account, rather than the messages in your inbox.

I like the contact synchronisation. Finally. That over-the-air contact sync with Google. FINALLY.

It’s looking promising…