
Going shopping at the Nokia Ovi Store: Dire

The talented Mr Ben Smith over at The Really Mobile Project has used one of those super flash cartoon animation services to script his experience of shopping at the Ovi Store.

Although Ben is a little flippant with some of the dialogue, there’s a very serious message. At the end of the video Ben points out that the Really Mobile team have spent over £40 on applications at the Ovi Store.

But they’ve only managed to download 1 application successfully.

Oh dear.

The team — collectively — submitted 4 support requests asking for help.

They got one response.


The other three were apparently ignored.

The one response was rather shocking — they asked for bank details (via email) so they could do a refund (since original payment had been made by operator billing). There has to be a more efficient and safer mechanism, surely?

Deary me.

Meanwhile, I recommend getting a coffee and sitting down and watching Ben’s masterpiece above.