
Google gets 61 percent of mobile search

It looks like Google is having no hard time of transferring its out and out lead in internet search across to the world of mobile: according to the latest figures from industry watchers Nielsen Mobile, Google has 61 percent of mobile search sewn up, with Yahoo trailing at just 18 percent of the market. Google users conducted around 9 searches a month; Yahoo users just seven.

It’s no surprise that Google should dominate mobile search so completely: its algorithm is streets ahead of its competitors and consumers are just as likely to go to the brand name they recognise from the fixed internet world when they need a mobile search.

But Yahoo’s not resting on its laurels: it’s signed up five new operators to its search platform, where the carriers will provide Yahoo’s oneSearch as the default search to their customers. If Yahoo can get more of these sort of deals under its belt with bigger name operators or even handset manufacturers – the iPhone would be the Holy Grail here – it might be able to stage a bit of a comeback.