Clicky banned by Hutchinson 3g UK

I read that Google News is now available as a mobile version. I thought I’d try it out!

Unfortunately, the only normal phone I’ve got is the Sony Ericsson on
Three.  I’ve paid for "mobile websites" so I was sure that the world’s
number two site (Myspace is number one now, eh?) would be available in
this ‘package’. 

Not at all! 

If you go to in your Three UK browser, it
takes you to the ‘suggest a site’ page.  That’s because it’s not approved by Three —
you have to send them a text message and hope that someone receives it
and adds it to the list.  What is it, are they waiting for Google to
phone up and offer them bucketloads of cash or something?

What absolute RUBBISH.  Seriously, I must be going mad.  Someone else with a Three phone tell me I’m just imagining this?

There’s nothing for it. I am going to phone them up, brave the Indian call centre, pay off the
rest of contract, cancel and be done with it.  I simply can’t stand
these type of stupid limitations! 

This from an organisation that wants to be a "media" company not a "phone" company.