
Got an iPhone 4? How is it working out for you?

Reader Kevin Wright was moved to pen this post in response to the stream of iPhone 4 posts over the past few days.

In the key paragraph, Kevin points out that his iPhone 4 is absolutely fine:

OK, so to the point of this, the Signal Issue. I have been using the iPhone 4 for all of 18 days now, and can tell you without doubt that it is better than the 3GS, and about the same as a Nexus One for signal holding. You only have to look at the chap above who keeps changing his mind to see how confusing this whole thing is, and the main thing to remember is that the whole issue is so hard to pin down, even from the same location, on different days, you may be on a different tower, you may be on the same tower with a lot more traffic, and a whole slew of other factors.

Who else is having a fine time with their iPhone 4?