
GPush app pushes your Gmail to your Apple iPhone

I just had a note in from the chaps at Tiverias Apps to tell me about their latest addition to the iPhone App Store — ‘GPush’.

It does what it says on the tin. Making use of the relatively new Apple push-update function, GPush prompts you with the subject and sender of mail sent to your Gmail account.

You’ll therefore get notification of new emails immediately, instead of having to wait for the rather unpredictable iPhone email client to prompt you.

The GPush icon helpfully shows the number of unread messages outstanding, (which in the case of my account, would number in the thousands).

The app also offers notification controls including having the iPhone vibrate/ring.

GPush is an absolute genius concept for anyone with a Gmail account. Indeed for your average iPhone/Gmail user, I think GPush will quickly ascend to the top five most-used applications on their device. I really like the fact you only have to open the app once, set it — and then forget it — it’ll sit in the background working away.

The nature of Mobile Industry Review means that I receive hundreds of emails in a given day so in some cases, I wouldn’t want to get a notification every-single-time. But today I went for a long walk — and I took my iPhone with me, leaving my Blackberry at home. Thus I would really have appreciated being updated when new mail arrives instead of having to continually click the ‘mail’ icon and wait for the device to do it’s thing.

Indeed, using email in this poke-the-icon-and-wait manner is positively neolithic.

If you’re even half interested in getting swift Gmail notifications on your iPhone, definitely take a look at GPush.

You’ll find it for $0.99 in the App Store — that should probably be £0.59 pounds.

Good work chaps!

Here’s what an GPush alert looks like:

GPush iTunes store link: GPush