
Green Porno goes live on Helio Mobile

Always one for pushing the boundaries, Helio Mobile have done a deal with Isabella Rossellini to offer her 8-part Green Porno adventure series on their ‘Give A Damn’ channel.

Green Porno is not Jenna Jameson with a reduced carbon footprint. No. It’s a ‘comical but insightful study of the curious ways certain creatures (insects, mainly) make love’.

So there will definitely be a bit about the female spider killing the male. Count on that.

“I’ve always been interested in animals and animal behavior,” said Rossellini. “I wanted people to laugh, but then to leave and say, ‘Wow, I didn’t know about that.’ That was my green intervention. It was to make people aware of animal life.”

The Green Porno minisite,, will feature all 8 films and exclusive web only interviews with Isabella Rossellini and the cast and crew, exclusive photo galleries of behind the scenes shots, making of footage and samples of Isabella Rossellini’s hand drawn storyboards. The exclusive web content also explores the challenges and opportunities associated with creating short films for ‘small screens’ — namely the internet and mobile devices.

What does Helio think of it?

“Green Porno has the right balance of entertainment and education for our members,” said Rob Gelick, Vice President of Media and Community Services at Helio. “The series will be available across all of Helio’s devices and featured in the ‘Give A Damn’ channel which offers the best mobile content themed around socially conscious issues.”

More details here.