
guideCast launch mobile site link exchange service

guideCast, an innovative provider of mobile services and advertising campaigns, today announced the launch of its mobile link network, a powerful programs for boosting the awareness and distribution of mobile sites.  Geared towards “off-deck” mobile sites, the network is free of charge and once members register, they simply copy a single line of code on their mobile sites.

Interesting. Here’s how it works:

By joining the network, site owners can dramatically increase the number of people viewing their content and dramatically increase their page views and visits to their mobile sites. guideCast’s Managing Director, Jeff Brookes says, “the concept is similar to that of a banner exchanges on the web side – where one member displays a mobile banner for another member’s mobile site and vise versa.

Sounds like a traditional website banner exchange service. I would assume they sell on a percentage of available link inventory to gain income? You can find out more info here.