
Handango reveal smartphone industry trends

Smartphone content and application portal Handango have just released the 2007 Q2 edition of the Handango Yardstick, a quarterly report on the state of the mobile content industry.

For the second quarter in a row, the most popular smartphone devices were the Motorola Q and BlackBerry Pearl, ranking first and second respectively, in terms of the most revenue generated and the most applications sold. Older smartphone models such as the Palm Treo 650 and Cingular 8125 moved lower on the list of top devices adding software to make room for two new devices that appeared for the first time this quarter – the Nokia N95 which was a highly anticipated device at the time of its United States release following strong overseas sales, as well as the BlackBerry 8800, which launched in late February.
You can grab the full report, which includes a breakdown of the most popular applications for each device, at