
Has anyone got any Blyk news? ANYONE?

I have been hoping for a good bit of news and some updates from Blyk shortly. But I’ve heard nothing. Nada. Not a sausage. I thought that in the run up to the Christmas period we might get a few announcements.

Last week, when I was driving through London, just near Whitechapel Tube, I saw a guy — young chap with 2 friends — carrying a Blyk cotton bag. The kind they were A) giving out at the launch event and B) (I think) giving out to students at Freshers Fairs.

Delight coursed through me (on the basis that he wasn’t an attendee to the Blyk launch) as at least, one hopes, every time the chap saw the bag, he’d think (and maybe use?) Blyk.

Have you got any news on what’s been moving with them? Heard anything?