
Has the BBC learned its texting scandal lessons?

The Olympics are nearly here.

It’s been four years since myself and five friends screamed ourselves at a TV as the men’s coxless 4 won gold by a gnat’s knacker.

Four years since I nearly got fired for watching the badminton semi final instead of working. Four years since GB I watched in rapture as team GB kicked butt several times in the velodrome.

If you haven’t already guessed, I’m getting very excited about the Olympics. Infact, if we had one more medal hopeful I’d probably have peed my pants by now. It’s true.

So, trying to remove that mental picture. I’m in love with the new BBC SMS application for the Olympics. If you text ALERTS to 81008 the BBC send you (you guessed it) alerts for all events that we have even a snowball’s chance in hell of medalling.

What I’m most impressed about, however, is that dear old Auntie has finally learned from the frequent scandals and isn’t charging an arm and a leg for this service. Instead it’s a one off 15p and then all alerts are free.

What can I say, the cheapskate in me is in love too.