Hello Ghost, bye Wordpress

This is the 11,926th post on Mobile Industry Review.
Just crazy.
I started the site on 26th January 2006. It was originally SMS Text News. Some readers will still remember that. I changed the name a few years afterwards once the smartphone generation arrived.
Over the weekend I moved Mobile Industry Review ("MIR") - the old lumbering giant of a Wordpress installation – to Ghost.org. I've been road-testing Ghost with my other (new) publication, Conversational AI News (guess what that's about?) and I have to say, I'm deeply impressed. Simple, easy, quick – and everything's built from the ground up to work harmoniously. I still have a lot of love for Wordpress.
But I thought it was time to make sure I ported MIR to a new publishing system so that I can keep the archive of everything that was written easily available and maintained.
And, ideally, so I can write a few more things, now and again.
I haven't been moved to write that much, because dear reader, everything these days has been so derivative.
What's new? What's different? Where's the innovation in the mobile world?
But recently, I've felt a disturbance in the force. A few things have caught my attention and prompted me to think, "Oh, you know, maybe I should write about that..."
And then the laborious nature of messing about in Wordpress (compared to the simple experience with Ghost) has usually conspired to reduce me to making a note of the idea, rather than writing about it.
So, here's hoping, expect a few more posts from me now and again.
For those of you who were reading via the Mailchimp newsletter, I've migrated you over as a member of Mobile Industry Review. (Basically, if you're a member (free), you get email updates every time I post.)
Those of you who had opted out, don't worry, you weren't ported. Your details will be deleted once I close the Mailchimp account.
If you would like to register – simply do so by hitting the button top right. It's free and takes about 5-10 seconds, depending on how quickly you can type your email address!
Thanks for reading. As always, you can get me directly at ewan@mobileindustryreview.com or on LinkedIn.