
Help Me Anssi-Wan-Kanobi, You're My Only Hope

There’s a super post on TechCrunch by Mike Butcher about his hunt to interview Nokia’s Anssi Vanjoki… Good luck Mike!

Mike points out that Anssi is Nokia’s equivalent of Steve Jobs. I wouldn’t disagree with that at all. Indeed, I was thoroughly impressed with the chap’s candour and enthusiasm when we met him back at Mobile World Congress.

We had 25 minutes with him and I captured it all on film. If you’d like to see the guy ‘in the flesh’ banging the table with enthusiasm, I present the three episodes we created:

Anssi on the future of mobile:

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Anssi on Symbian, Maemo and MeeGo:

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Anssi on the N97 ‘issues’:

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(These should all work on your iPad and iPhone thanks to the HTML5 video player I installed last week.)