
Help me regarding a 4G and Europe question

I got this tweet from reader@moof last night regarding 4G:

@Ew4n we haven’t heard any official MIR talk about the EU deciding on 800MHz as the band for 4G services, meaning nothing til 2012 for most

You haven’t heard anything official from MIR, Moof, because I just can’t stand waiting for things. If I had my way, I’d close my eyes for a few seconds and all of a sudden, “4G” would be here.

I have consciously closed my eyes and clicked my heels a few times a la little Dorothy from Kansas to try and speed things up to no avail.

So I’d like to ask you, dear reader: What’s going on with EU/800Mhz and 4G? Can anyone give me a good overview that I can re-publish for everyone?

Posted via email from MIR Live