
Help: Who do you know at LG Mobile? (Updated)

I had an entrepreneur contact me today asking if I knew anyone at LG Mobile they could talk to about getting on their application platform or even discussing the possibility of on-handset inclusion.

Unfortunately I had to reply no.

I know NOBODY at LG.

Let me just check again in my mind….

No. Nobody.

I know a few LG PR people. However the last time I checked — and this was a good 8-9 months ago — LG Mobile’s development team* simply wasn’t engaging with bloggers.

So whilst I’m continually in the middle of helping broker deals with the other handset manufacturers and mobile developers, LG is a big big blank in my life.

Which has suited me fine when they’ve been knocking out beautiful but fundamentally useless devices (from a mobile developer perspective).

But now I think the time might be right. This is the second person who’s asked if I know anyone.

So I pass that on to you.

Do you know anybody worth knowing at LG Mobile — who’d be interested in being passed potential opportunities from the MIR audience?

* Update: I modified this from the original statement (“LG Mobile simply wasn’t engaging with bloggers”) after Helen (from LG’s) wholly accurate points in the comments below.