
'Help me' via text with the Samaritans

I got a text message today from what reads like a young teenager in no small amount of distress. Goodness knows how they got my number – but it is public and associated with plenty of articles on text bullying services… So I’m assuming that they got hold of me that way. I got the details of the Samaritans and suggested talking – or texting – them. For the record, here are the details. It’s pretty smart that they offer a text service. With the proliferation of unlimited PAYG text plans, it really is a useful medium for anyone seeking help – without having to (or being able to) speak on the phone: – – – – – You can call Samaritans on 08457909090 for the cost of a local call or text them on 07725909090 (UK). They try to text you back in 10 minutes

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