


Stick on the cheesy Christmas music. If you’re one of the 3 million workers in the UK that the London Telegraph reckons are planning a 2 week break over Christmas, nice one! 21 billion pounds is the calculated cost to industry for these two weeks of seasonal excitement.

Fear not. SMS Text News continues throughout the holidays. We have to do something to keep the ailing worldwide economy operational when everyone is gorging on turkey.

If you’re still hunting around for a present, might I suggest you give your loved one a big, beautiful SMS Text News Annual? Yes. Provided they’re not a normob, it’s the perfect gift. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. I’ll email your loved one to tell them the gift is on its way soon.

We’ve been working away on creating an it for some time now. Krystal’s been selecting, browsing and editing like no tomorrow on it. It contains a choice selection of posts from across the year, together with highlighted reader comments. Plus a foreword form me. A rollercoaster of a ride! All bound in attractive form replete with pictures galore. I’m really looking forward to the arrival of the first copy. You see the one problem with running a site like this is that it never stops: Time keeps marching. There are temporary lulls. But there’s no end-of-the-day ‘that was good’ or ‘hey, I’m pleased with that, let’s call it a day’. You don’t close the presses for three weeks. You go to bed, you get up and shit! You’ve got to do it all again. So there’s not that much of an opportunity to look back at particular points, posts or issues. It will be nice to have something physical to point to and flick through.

We’re using Blurb to self publish. I don’t quite know what the actual cost will be — I think around $30 plus a bit of postage or so as I’m given to understand it’s ‘coffee table size’. If you’d like one, whack me a mail. I’ll put up a few pictures of a copy when one arrives. Target publication date is first week of January. This also means I will have a book out before my friend Ilana Fox (who’s being properly published but not until February — chick lit but it does feature a reasonable amount of mobile related interaction.)

Seasons greetings to you all. If you’re bored during the next 2 weeks, check back here and drop in for a chat as we’ll be publishing daily.

By the way, if you’re somewhere snowy, do send me some pictures (that you have ideally captured on a mobile device) to make me jealous. I’ll publish them here for maximum personal annoyance. I do like to see snow outside at this time of year … although I don’t think that happens much in the Bay Area.