
Hold that MDA Pro

I’m reading via Engadget about a new raft of HTC devices such as this one, the HTC Prophet, coming out. 

Please, please, please don’t bring out an upgraded T-Mobile MDA Pro.  I’m only a few months into an 18 month contract.

The moment i read about a new Windows Mobile upgrade I will immediately go off my existing one. You’re quite happy to put up with all the annoying problems as long as it’s bleeding edge.  The moment it’s not, I just can’t handle the stupid slow OS/processor and its crap performance compared to any normal phone.

You know there’s an issue when your average ten year old can get 10 text messages out quicker via T9 than you can with just one message using the MDA Pro’s keyboard and it’s super slow screen update.

Hint: The solution is to challenge the youngster when you’ve just recently restarted the device.  It’s that bit quicker to load up the inbox.