
HOT: 82ask rocks

I was catching up with Oli Barrett this afternoon. He’s always been heavily involved in the mobile and interactive industries.  The latest venture that he’s involved in is — not quite your high end mobile technology start-up — instead, a wicked service that sends you 4 pairs of socks for under a tenner, whenever you want them … OR you can have them send you a load every month.  Really innovative!  This will fix a lot of annoying problems for a lot of people I know 🙂

Anyway, I challenged Oli to give me his viewpoint on the best (hot) mobile application, service or company that really stuck in his mind recently.  He meets a ton of people in and out of the industry — it’s always useful to get his perspective.

Here is his answer:

I love because it’s so beautifully simple.  Text them any question and they’ll text you back the answer for a quid.  Brilliant! I use it a couple of times a week when I’m out and about, away from Google, and need a quick answer to something.  A mobile service which saves me time – how refreshing!

Oli Barrett,

You know he’s right.  I’ll need to use it more often I really will.