
HOT: Jonathan Bass, Incentivated

If I meet anyone connected with the mobile industry, I always ask them if they can give me a hot recommendation.  Just a few sentences on a company, service, product or person that they really rate in the marketplace.  No limits.  It’s always interesting to see what people suggest.  My latest ‘hot’ recommendation comes from David Murphy of Mobile Marketing Magazine.  He’s chosen to highlight a ‘hot’individual — in the form of Jonathan Bass, Managing Director of mobile marketing agency, Incentivated.

Here’s what David had to say:

As a company, they seem to be doing some great work and are active on the conference circuit, promoting mobile as a channel.  (I should declare at this point that they are one of my advertisers!) When I had the idea for Mobile Marketing Magazine six months ago, Jonathan was the only agency person I spoke to who wanted to meet me, took a real interest in what I was doing, and more than anyone else in the agency field, has come good on his promise to feed me stories whenever he has anything to talk about. And he knows his stuff.

Dataserve, Livingwell, British Airways — the last three client press releases on the Incentivated website!  They can’t be doing too badly 😉  A quick Google and I found this interview with Jonathan, featuring his picture. 

Plus: If I was ever going to go back to having a proper office (I prefer the flexibility of being a barbarian at the gate, working from the laptop on the beach), I’d certainly like to hold fort at No. 1 Love Lane (the Incentivated London headquarters address).