
HOT: Mobile Karaoke as the next big thing?

Link: Communities Dominate Brands.

You called a special number to join in the mobile karaoke. You sang your song into the recording. You then listened to it, that you were satisfied with it. Then you entered your song. And others would listen to the songs and vote.

Conceptually this is brilliant. And what of the usage? Finland has a
population of only 5 million people. 1,862 brave Finns sang songs into
Mobile Karaoke to join into this common man’s Idols contest. 150,000
separate individuals called in to listen to these songs, to vote on
them ! 

And the whole activity generated 1.95 MILLION separate
listening/voting sessions in Finland. More than the total traffic
generated by the voting activities of the "real" Finnish Idols show on
TV. And obviously congratulations to Mea Karppinen, the lady who won
this contest.

Fascinating — absolutely fascinating!  I know about 10 people who would use this immediately, and I do mean immediately.  Then my whole group of friends would go in and listen, guaranteed!

Check out the entire post at Tomi Ahonen and Alan Moore’s blog, Communities Dominate Brands.