
Hot Product: Nokia E70

I really enjoy talking to the movers and the shakers in the industry and seeing what’s turning them on.  It’s a great way of keeping your mind open and accepting to change! 

So first off the block is a recommendation by Ed Hodges, web 2.0/mobile strategy @ Accenture.

Nokiae70 He says:  "My coolest gadget has to be the Nokia E70 coming out in the second quarter of 2006.  It forms part of Nokia’s new business phone range.  It’s the most complete, compact, functional phone I’ve ever seen covering all the comms spectrums with WiFI (802.11b), Bluetooth, 2 & 3G, GPRS. 

It’s real power comes from its form factor, not only are these comms technologies part of the deal, but a 2 Megapixel camera, 75 mb memory, SD expansion slot and full QWERTY keyboard are also included.  All put in a phone not much bigger than the (European) market leading 6230i.

And he continues….

Finally, as if that wasn’t enough, the E70 includes VOiP support (now that’s an interesting business model!) and integrates with Blackberry Connect and other 3rd party email push clients. Phew! what more could you want?"

I think it’s safe to assume that Ed will probably be buying this one 😉  I had the old one of these… the 6800 I think it was, with the folding out keyboard.  Bring on the E70!