
House 'for sale' sign company launches text message service


Ah hah! Everlast, the real estate/estate agent property board service have launched text messaging. Not only do these guys put up the for sale signs on your property, they also now print a unique identifier and shortcode on each sign, allowing interested buyers to make queries from their handsets. This isn’t a new concept — we’ve seen this tested across various American States and it’s in heavy use in the United Kingdom. However it’s good to see the actual sign companies getting in on the act, rather than it being driven by the real estate agent. Companies like Everlast are well positioned to offer texting as an additional up-sell.

Link: Real LI
As this younger population becomes house hunters, Tiefenworth says he expects they’ll use what’s familiar to them – such as text messaging – when they’re house hunting. What’s called the Mobile Stream service tracks number of hits per code for agents, and since the service debuted on Long Island Dec. 3, the hits have grown, to 163 last weekend in the Hamptons, where at least 700 signs have the new codes.

It’s an ‘instant” service in this fast-paced era. House hunters can ask for an ‘immediate” callback from the agent and schedule an appointment. Agents can get ‘instant” notification when someone keys in the text code for one of their listings