
How far have we come?

I’m boarding the tube this afternoon when, looking through the window as I walk up to the carriage, I spot a 30-something mother with her toddler child sat holding an iPhone 3G together. I look closer and I see the screen is displaying a noughts and crosses board. I watch as the mother presses on the top right-hand corner and a nought appears. The toddler eagerly presses down on the opposite square and a cross appears.

This is mobile technology. I find it absolutely fascinating to behold. The level of engagement and the seamless, frictionless experience offered by the platform meant these ‘users’ were entertained on their train journey.

What’s even more fascinating is that with Nokia’s finest current devices this experience is simple impossible to replicate.

We’ve come a long way in the past two years when, I’m sure, the mother in question was waltzing around London with a piece-of-shit Razr or similar.

Posted via email from MIR Live