
How long until train times are automatically surfaced to your UI?

Being able to query train times via phone without having to speak to an operator is one of the most exciting functions I use regularly. It might not be flash but it delivers significant utility. However I’m still irritated that I have to locate the app, run it, wait for it to think, then select a station and then select a train and so on. Given that my device knows I’m heading into London (from my calendar, and from inferring via past actions) it would be nice if correct train times were displayed in the background or faintly, waiting for me to bring them into focus. How long before we have a user interface and ecosystem capable of supporting this? What I’m referring to definitely isn’t ‘app centric’. It’s ‘service centric’ — so iOS won’t handle this too well until a significant iteration. I could imagine BBX and Android being able to handle it alongside Windows Phone 8 or 9?


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